Mersawa (Anisoptera) Mersawa wood is light in color and has a moderately coarse texture. Freshly sawn heartwood is pale yellow or yellowish brown and darkens on exposure to air. Some wood may show a pinkish cast or pink streaks, but these eventually disappear on exposure to air. The wood weighs between 544 and 752 kg/m³ (34 and 47 lb/ft3) at 12% moisture content and about 945 kg/m³ (59 lb/ft3) when green. |
Keruing (Dipterocarpus) The heartwood varies from light to dark red-brown or brown to dark brown, sometimes with a purple tint; the heartwood is usually well defined from the gray or buff-colored sapwood. Similar to kapur (Dryobalanops), the texture of keruing is moderately coarse and the grain is straight or shallowly interlocked. |
Meranti (red) The colour of Meranti heartwood varies sharply from dark red to light red-brown and from pale pink to pink-red. Given the diversity of tree types and their region of origin, for the Shorea red meranti species there will always be differences in shades and weights in a delivery of timber. The pink grey sapwood is 20-50 mm thick and distinct from the heartwood. |